Apprenticeships & traineeships are in demand!

Interview – 3AW Afternoons with Dee Dee

Following a difficult year of COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns that put strain on employer’s ability to commit to apprentices and trainees in 2021, WPC Group General Manager Andrew Sezonov sat down with Dee Dee Dunleavy on 3AW to discuss the current climate for such ventures in 2022.

Andrew explained that employers are “making up for lost time” and securing new talent is a top priority, leaving wide open a door for all ages to upskill, reskill, boost their qualifications or forge an entirely new career path.

During the discussion, Dee Dee mentioned the continued stigma surrounding apprenticeships and traineeships in comparison to completing a university degree. While this stigma does exist, Andrew clarified that completing an apprenticeship or traineeship in the current climate is in fact the smart choice. With increased demand for skilled labor, no university or HECS debt upon completion, and a near 90% retention rate, choosing to complete an apprenticeship or traineeship has never been more prudent.

WPC Group are recent winners of the Australian Training Awards’ Employer Award for 2021, Australia’s only dual winners of this prestigious award, and with 180 vacancies Australia wide across a range of traditional and emerging career pathways, we are an employer of choice in helping build your future career.


Malwal’s Journey – Harmony Week


I have seen firsthand how each and every employee is cared for